
Lennart Rolfs

Lennart Rolfs

Research Associate in department Planning and Control of Production and Logistics Systems (PSPS), Faculty Production Engineering at the University of Bremen.

Curriculum Vitae

Lennart Rolfs studied electrical engineering and information technology at the University of Bremen, specialising in automation and mechatronics. From 2012 to 2014, he was a scholarship holder of the Deutsch-land Scholarship of the University of Bremen. He completed his studies in 2018 with his master's thesis on computer vision systems and algorithms for 3D object and position recognition for bin-picking applications. Since then, Mr Rolfs has been working at BIBA as a research associate in the IPS Robotics and Automation department. He works on projects with robotic systems within the framework of human-technology interaction, automatic loading and unloading systems, automated guided vehicles and RFID technology. He is a lecturer in the course "Identification Systems in Production and Logistics".

Research Areas and Interests

  • Robotic Systems
  • Autonomous Transport Systems
  • Collaborative Robots
  • Human-Machine-Interaction
  • RFID Systems


AstradisAutomatisches Spezifikationstool für die prozessspezifische Auswahl von FTS zur industriellen Einführung in KMU
AutoLogEntwicklung autonomer Fahrprozesse und dynamischer Lager- und Logistikkonzepte auf Automobilterminals
exoMATCHIntelligent Exoskeleton/Task Matchmaking
IRiSInteraktives Robotiksystem zur Entleerung von Seecontainern
KoMAREntwicklung eines AR-basierten Mehrbenutzersystems zur Potentialbewertung von kollaborativen Montageszenarien
MARGOOptimizing Material Flow with AGV’s in Ring Gear Production
MARSMobiler Autonomer Roboter für sichere Sortierprozesse
MEXOTIntelligente Arbeitsergonomie mittels sensorischer Exoskelette und autonomen Transportsystemen für die erweiterte Mensch-Technik-Interaktion im Automobilumschlag
PaLAAutomatisches Ladesystem für palettierte Ladungen für unmodifizierte europäische Auflieger


Lennart Rolfs
Hochschulring 20
D-28359 Bremen
Phone: +49(0)421/218-50184
Languages: german, english