Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Freitag

MycelCycle Integrated material, process and product development methodology for product life-cycle optimized mycelium-based packaging products as part of circular economy
Sustainable and closed material cycles made from biogenic and recycled resources are becoming increasingly relevant as raw materials become limited. The goal of the project is to develop an integrated methodology for the material, process, and product development of mycelium composite materials using the example of cooler boxes. Mycelia has the potential to transform biomass with its thread-like hyphae into compact structures in just a few days. The project addresses current challenges in the product life cycle in order to design optimized material cycles using mycelium technology. The research framework includes the use of AI-based methods for identifying material combinations and for quality assurance.
Contact persons:
B. Pupkes   (Project manager) M. Hoff-Hoffmeyer-Zlotnik  
M. Trapp 
Funded by:
Volkswagen Stiftung
01.02.2024 - 31.01.2028
See project's publications
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