Referierte Publikationen |
Artikel in Zeitschriften (referiert) [4] |
[Bei17g] | Beinke, T.; Quandt, M.; Freitag, M.; Rieger. T.: Offshore-Servicelogistik 4.0 - Einsatzpotenziale für die Offshore-Windenergie durch Industrie 4.0-Ansätze. In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 33(2017)6, S. 43-47 |
[Bei17i] | Beinke, T.; Quandt, M.; Ait Alla, A.; Freitag, M.; Rieger. T.: Information System for the Coordination of Offshore Wind Energy Maintenance Operations under Consideration of Dynamic Influences. In: International Journal of e-Navigation and Maritime Economy, 8/2017, pp. 48-59 |
[Qua17a] | Quandt, M.; Beinke, T.; Ait Alla, A.; Freitag, M.: Simulation Based Investigation of the Impact of Information Sharing on the Offshore Wind Farm Installation Process. In: Journal of Renewable Energy, 1/2017, pp. 11 pp |
[Bei15] |
Beinke, T.; Freitag, M.; Zint, H.-P.: Ressourcen-Sharing für eine bezahlbare Energiewende Betrachtung der Produktions- und Errichtungslogistik der Offshore-Windenergie. In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 31(2015)4, S. 7-11
Konferenzbeiträge (referiert) [5] |
[Bei20a] |
Beinke, T.; Ait Alla, A.; Oelker, S.; Freitag, M.: Demand for special vessels for the decommissioning of offshore wind turbines in the German North Sea - A simulation study. In: Chung, J. S. ; Akselsen, O. M.; Jin, H.; Kawai. H.; Lee, Y.; Matskevitch, D. (eds.): Proceedings of the 30th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE 2020). ISOPE, Shanghai, China, 2020, pp. 5
[Bei17c] | Beinke, T.; Ait Alla, A.; Freitag, M.: Resource and Information Sharing for the Installation Process of the Offshore Wind Energy. In: Lödding, H.; Riedel, R.; Thoben, K.-D.; von Cieminski, G.; Kiritsis, D. (eds.): Advances in Production Management Systems. The Path to Intelligent, Collaborative and Sustainable Manufacturing. IFIP WG 5.7 International Conference, APMS 2017, Hamburg, Germany, September 3-7, 2017, Proceedings, Part II, Springer, Cham, 2017, pp. 268-275 (also project: Mon2Sea) |
[Ait16a] |
Ait Alla, A.; Quandt, M.; Beinke, T.; Freitag, M.: Improving the decision-making process during the installation process of offshore wind farms by means of information sharing. In: Jin S. Chung; Muskulus, M; Kokkinis, T; Alan M. Wang (eds.): Proceedings of the Twenty-sixth (2016) International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE). Renewable Energy (Offshore Wind and Ocean) and Environment, Engineering Index, EI Compendex, Scopus, Cupertino, California, USA, 2016, pp. 144-150
[Bei16b] |
Beinke, T.; Ait Alla, A.; Freitag, M.: Resource Sharing in the Logistics of the Offshore Wind Farm Installation Process a Simulation Study. In: Park, Gyei-Kark; Kim, S. June (eds.): Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Maritime Safety and Technology. International Association of e-navigation and Ocean Economy, Mokpo, Korea, 2016, pp. 359-370 (also project: Mon2Sea)
[Bei16c] |
Beinke, T.; Quandt, M.; Ait Alla, A.; Freitag, M.; Rieger, T.: Information System for the Coordination of Offshore Wind Energy Maintenance Operations under Consideration of Dynamic Influences. In: Park, G.-K.; Kim, S. J. (eds.): Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Maritime Safety and Technology. International Association of e-navigation and Ocean Economy, Mokpo, Korea, 2016, pp. 243-252
Beiträge zu Sammelbänden (auch in Schriftenreihen) (referiert) [2] |
[Bei18a] | Beinke, T.; Wesuls, J.-H.; Rosenkranz, J.; Quandt, M.; Ait Alla, A.; Schwarz, M.; Rieger, T.; Lange, M.; Korte, H.; Freitag, M.: Maintenance Logistics of Offshore Wind Farms: Influence of Sea Waves on Maintenance Logistics Processes. In: Karimi, H. R. (eds.): Offshore Mechatronics Systems Engineering. CRC Press, Abingdon, 2018, pp. 19 |
[Bei18b] | Beinke, T.; Quandt, M.; Freitag, M.: Providing Standardized Processes for Information and Material Flows of Offshore Wind Energy Logistics. In: Karimi, H. R. (eds.): Offshore Mechatronics Systems Engineering. CRC Press, Abingdon, 1(2018), pp. 20-40 (also project: Mon2Sea) |
Nicht-referierte Publikationen |
Artikel in Zeitschriften (nicht referiert) [1] |
[Qua16b] | Quandt, M.; Ait Alla, A.; Beinke, T.; Kumpert, M.; Freitag, M.: Instandhaltungslogistik für Offshore-Windenergie - Simulationsstudie zur Analyse von dynamischen Einflüssen auf die Servicelogistik für Offshore-Windkraftanlagen. In: ZWF - Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb, 12/2016, S. 793-797 |